Product Detail
we mainly supply many kinds of IC and laser pickup such as HOP-6011, SF-DS20, SF-DV21, TOP-1200, SF-HD62, SF-HD6, PVR-802W, PVR-502W, KSS-151A, KSS-24
we mainly supply many kinds of IC and laser pickup such as HOP-6011, SF-DS20, SF-DV21, TOP-1200, SF-HD62, SF-HD6, PVR-802W, PVR-502W, KSS-151A, KSS-240A, KHM-240AAA, PVR-302S, DAX-23E, SF-HD4, SF-C93, HOP-1200W.....use for CD, VCD, DVD player, PS2/3, laptop, AUTO...
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